Talk-a-doodle-doo is a HealthPartners children's health initiative that aligns with "read, talk, sing" child development research. It was my task to take that body of research and create a fun, memorable PSA campaign that HealthPartners could own and share with community partners. After a careful process of finding the perfect name, voice, and brand identity that could speak to everyone, Talk-a-doodle-doo was launched at the 2017 Bright Futures Begin at Birth event.
Key messaging:
More than anything else, the relationships that your baby forms in the first three years
of life define the person they will become. Every snuggle, every smile, every game
of peek-a-boo and every talk-a-doodle-doo builds your baby’s brain through the
powerful magic of bonding.

Playing, cooing and talk-a-doodle-dooing every day with your baby is how you work
this brain-building magic. Anyone can do it. You don’t need any apps or fancy toys.
The trick is to remember the importance of playtime.
Agency: HealthPartners In-House
Copy: Me (Shan)
Design: Matthew Davis
Art Direction: John Engholm
Creative Direction: Amy Quinlivan
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